For the remainder of the semester, dance students will focus on previously learned skills and ballet technique, demonstrate and apply knowledge of ballet vocabulary and terminology, as well as work on recall and memorization of the structure of a ballet class and ballet exercises. Dance students will also study and write dance vocabulary definitions in their dance journals daily/weekly.
Please see the overview of the class lesson plans for April-May below. BALLET B1 and B2 BARRE, CENTER AND ACROSS THE FLOOR EXERCISES OBJECTIVE: To work on previously learned skills and ballet technique, demonstrate and apply knowledge of ballet vocabulary and terminology, work on recall and memorization of the structure of a ballet class and ballet exercises The process of these student-directed exercises will challenge how well the students know their ballet terminology and recall ballet exercises. Dance captains will sharpen their leadership and demonstration skills. PROCEDURE: The teacher (sub) will first read out the ballet steps in sequence to the Dance Captain and the class. Next, the class must execute the exercises with music, as the Dance Captain leads, calls out and demonstrates the exercises. All exercises have been previously done in class. This will Dance Captains: B1: Carissa Griffin, Zemirah Griffin, B2: Victoria Fountain, Jada Hall Music: Dance Captain will find any Ballet class or CLASSICAL instrumental music selection on YouTube I. BALLET BARRE WARM-UP 1.PLIES -2 demi plies and one grand plie in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th position -Turn and repeat other side 2. TENDUS -from 5th position, 2 slow tendus, then 4 quick tendus, front, side, back, then side -Turn and repeat other side 3. DEGAGES -same as tendus 4. ROND DE JAMBE -from 5th position, 2 slow rond de jambs en dehors (outside), 4 quick rond de jambs en dehors (outside) -repeat en dedans (inside) -lift leg devant (front), bring leg to second position, 2 rond de jambs en lair (in the air) -Turn and repeat other side STUDENTS REMOVE BARRES II. CENTER BALLET EXERCISES STUDENTS SHOULD GET INTO THREE OR FOUR ROWS FACING THE MIRRORS, SPREAD OUT, CENTER FLOOR. DANCE CAPTAINS WILL STAND FRONT AND CENTER TO LEAD AND DEMONSTRATE. 1. Grand Battements -from 5th position right foot in front, 4 grand battements (kicks) front, side, back, side -back to 5th position left foot in front, repeat on the left side 2. Pirouettes -from 5th position right foot in front -on the right leg, second, fourth, passe, close 5th position -on the left leg, second, fourth, passe, close 5th position -repeat on the right leg, second, fourth, single pirouette (turn), close 5th position -repeat on the left leg, second, fourth, single pirouette (turn), close 5th position -repeat with double right and left -repeat with single inside turn right and left -soutenou -repeat whole exercise beginning left III. ACROSS THE FLOOR BALLET EXERCISES STUDENTS SHOULD GET INTO THREE VERTICAL LINES BY THE WINDOWED SIDE OF THE ROOM (near the cubbies) AND PREPARE TO MOVE ACROSS THE FLOOR, THREE STUDENTS AT A TIME. (Lines are to be straight and each line should be arms width apart.) STUDENTS SHOULD REPEAT EACH EXERCISE ON THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT SIDES. DANCE CAPTAINS WILL LEAD AND DEMONSTRATE ACROSS THE FLOOR FIRST. 1. Pique Turns -2 piques, 2 pique turns -back to 5th position left foot in front, repeat on the left side 2. Chaines Turns -continuous chaine turns all the way across the floor -repeat whole exercise beginning left 3. Tombe, Pas de bourree, glissdae, jete Combination -dance captain should call out and lead 4. Leaps -continuous leaps across the floor IV. FLEXIBILITY STRETCHES -students will do floor stretches on their own or with a partner for 5-10 minutes AT THE COMPLETION OF ALL BALLET EXERCISES AND STRETCHES, STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE DANCE JOURNAL ACTIVITIES AND/OR ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE CLASS PERIOD. B1 BALLET TERMINOLOGY BALLET II Part 1: 4/25/17-4/28/17 Please write the ballet terms and definitions in your dance journals. When you are done, return the worksheet to your teacher or sub. There will be a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. Demi: Half. Petite: Small. Grand: Large. Adagio: Slow, sustained deliberate movements. Allegro: Fast, rapid movements. Port de bras: Movement of the arms. En dedans: (inwards) any movement of a limb inwards towards the body. En dehors: (outwards) any movement of a limb outwards away from the body BALLET TERMINOLOGY BALLET II Part 2: 5/2/17-5/4/17 Please write the ballet terms and definitions in your dance journals. When you are done, return the worksheet to your teacher or sub. There will be a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. En croix: in the shape of a cross Devant/En face: (forwards) directly facing the audience. Derriére: (rearwards) facing directly away from the audience. Croisée: Crossed Dégagé: To disengage Battement Fondu: Sinking down or melting. Rond de jambe: Round the leg, Circular movement of the leg. Grand battement: Large beating movement designed to loosen hip joints and develop strength and control in the turnout. BALLET TERMINOLOGY BALLET II Part 3: 5/9/17-5/12/17 Please write the ballet terms and definitions in your dance journals. When you are done, return the worksheet to your teacher or sub. There will be a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. Passé: To pass. A movement in which the foot of the working leg passes the knee of the supporting leg from one position to the other. Pirouette: Whirl, spin, turn Chassé: To chase Jete’: To throw, thrown. Developpe’: Developed. Assemble’: Assembled or joining together. B2 BALLET TERMINOLOGY BALLET I Part 1: 4/25/17-4/28/17 Please write the ballet terms and definitions in your dance journals. When you are done, return the worksheet to your teacher or sub. There will be a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. Demi: Half. Petite: Small. Grand: Large. Adagio: Slow, sustained deliberate movements. Allegro: Fast, rapid movements. Pas: Step. Bras: Arms. Port de bras: Movement of the arms. BALLET TERMINOLOGY BALLET I Part 2: 5/2/17-5/4/17 Please write the ballet terms and definitions in your dance journals. When you are done, return the worksheet to your teacher or sub. There will be a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. Dégagé: To disengage Rond de jambe: Round of the leg Grand battement: Large beating Passé: To pass Pirouette: Whirl, spin, turn Chassé: To chase Jete’: To throw, thrown. BALLET TERMINOLOGY BALLET I Part 3: 5/9/17-5/12/17 Please write the ballet terms and definitions in your dance journals. When you are done, return the worksheet to your teacher or sub. There will be a vocabulary test at the end of the semester. En dedans: (inwards) any movement of a limb inwards towards the body. En dehors: (outwards) any movement of a limb outwards away from the body En croix: in the shape of a cross Devant/En face: (forwards) directly facing the audience. Derriére: (rearwards) facing directly away from the audience. Croisée: Crossed
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